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Become a "YES" practice and increase case acceptance!

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Become a "YES" practice and increase case acceptance!

Let us show you how...

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Are you accomplishing 

YOUR practice goals? 

At Total Patient Service Institute, we’re here to take your practice to the top!

We offer exceptional dental practice management and dental practice coaching, and we specialize in implementing the highest level of patient service and communication skill in dental practices around the United States. 

We pride ourselves on being practice advisors. Simply put we don't consult. We coach. Every team needs a coach to help them accomplish their practice goals.

Who is YOUR coach?

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What results do you want for your dental practice?

Whether it's increasing case acceptance, boosting production or developing a strong team oriented culture, ToPS is the solution for practice needs. In addition to our highly acclaimed seminars such as Total Immersion and Leadership Academy, we offer free practice growth analyses. We can help you become a top-performing practice in your market. Learn how our dental practice consulting can take your practice to the next level by requesting your FREE practice growth analysis.

Request a FREE Practice Growth Analysis

...We provide a ToP tier solution.

What We Offer:

Discover the proven skills for presenting comprehensive treatment to which patients say “Yes!” Essential training for every team and team member to achieve the highest levels of Total Patient Service case acceptance results conveniently online.

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The two-day, in-person, team event to take your patient service and case acceptance to the top. Discover the strategies, systems, verbal skills, practice forms and documents that are the secrets to hearing “Yes” to comprehensive care more often. 

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Two-day in-person event where teams will learn how to strategize with the ToPS coaching team and top practices around the country to determine the answer of whether your practice should be contracted or insurance free.

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 Two-days for Doctors & Business Assistants, in-person training. Get the most up-to-date ideas on how to lead your team NOW through the biggest issues and challenges in dentistry. 

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Two-days for the entire team, in-person, that will transform your hygiene department into
a major source of practice production. Discover the NEW standard of periodontal Disease
treatment. What you can NOW do for our patients TODAY will significantly improve their
total health Tomorrow.

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Move your team to the ToP with expert direction and coaching from the ToPS Practice Advisor team. Win with higher case acceptance, production, and profits with the Total Support of the Total Patient Service Practice Advisor team.

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Why Our Clients LOVE Us...

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below you'll find all the answers to questions we get asked the most. Still need more answers? 

Send us a message on Live Chat or call 877-399-8677